An analysis of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome Reddit posts and themes

cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome

When people with CHS stop using marijuana, their symptoms of nausea and vomiting usually disappear. Nausea and vomiting tend to return if they start using = marijuana again. The first reports came from doctors treating regular users of marijuana for nausea and vomiting in South Australia.

cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome

Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome Prevention

The mechanism by which cannabis induces hyperemesis is presently unknown. A recent review has explored numerous potential explanations regarding various pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic factors of the cannabinoids 72. The cannabis plant contains over four hundred different chemicals, with sixty possessing cannabinoid structures 76. The pro-emetic effects of two of these cannabinoids, CBD and CBG, have been discussed in this review and could conceivably play a role in the development of CHS.

  • Doctors often treat CHS patients who seek help at hospitals with fluids.
  • Among the leading suspects, he says, are lack of sleep and intense stress.
  • While symptoms begin as mild, they can intensify and increase your risk of severe problems.
  • Per the consensus guideline, treatment should focus on symptom relief and education on the need for cannabis cessation.

Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome Diagnosis

Treatment that helps prevent dehydration and loss of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome electrolytes can help reduce your risk of many of these problems. D’Souza speculates that it may have to do with some people’s endocannabinoid systems. “It’s the best medication that helps her sleep for the last five years.

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  • As cannabis legalization continues to spread across the country, doctors are sounding the alarm about the potential health risks of the quickly changing drug.
  • CHS symptoms typically present in a cyclical pattern every few weeks to months when cannabis is being used.
  • Since it was first identified in 2004 in Australia, researchers have looked at the effects of cannabis on the vomiting centers of the brain.
  • “It may be that the cannabinoid is only sort of one aspect of the way the patient is hurting that needs to be addressed to really get them to heal,” he said.

Researchers need to study CHS in more detail to make it easier for doctors to recognize and treat the condition. Further studies are also necessary to determine the causes of CHS and its risk factors. One possible treatment option involves the use of benzodiazepines, such as lorazepam, to control nausea and vomiting. Benzodiazepines are controlled substances that people must use with caution, particularly those with a history of drug use.

This syndrome is characterized by recurrent nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Serotonin antagonism in the gastrointestinal tract from medications such as ondansetron, dolasetron, and granisetron likewise have varying levels of efficacy. Opioids, while often prescribed for the patient’s debilitating abdominal pain, are not appropriate for CHS, as they may, in fact, worsen nausea and vomiting. The onset of CHS tends to affect people “after years of using marijuana many times a week,” per the American College of Gastroenterology. The initial symptoms include nausea, belly pain and persistent vomiting. Some patients scream while they vomit due to the intense belly pain.

cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome

Clinicians should consider other causes of abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting to avoid misdiagnosis. The most effective treatment during the hyperemetic phase of CHS is the use of hot showers by patients. The effects of this learned behavior are temperature-dependent 6, fast acting 6, but short-lived 6,56,62. Hot showers improve symptoms of nausea and vomiting 6,52–56,60,62,68,71, abdominal pain 6,56,71, and decreased appetite 68 during the hyperemetic phase. The precise mechanism by which hot bathing produces a rapid reduction in the symptoms of CHS is unknown. It alcoholism has been proposed that hot bathing may act by correcting the cannabis-induced disequilibrium of the thermoregulatory system of the hypothalamus 6.

  • In CHS, receptors that bind to the different components of marijuana can become altered.
  • The government “never should have allowed the patchwork of state-by-state legalization, which fostered America’s largely unregulated cannabis industry,” said Wen.
  • This syndrome is characterized by recurrent nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.
  • An intriguing point to keep in mind is that the Rome IV criteria include the phrase “resembling cyclical vomiting syndrome.” In that regard, it is important to distinguish between the two.
  • The color doesn’t tell me what underlying condition you might have or what treatment you might need.

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cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome

In the gastrointestinal system, CB1 receptors are found on both intrinsic and extrinsic neurons, with the enteric nervous system serving as the major site of action 9. Other organs where CB1 receptors have been identified are the spleen, heart, liver, uterus, bladder, and vas deferens 10. In comparison, much less is known about the effects of the CB2 receptor. In the gastrointestinal system, CB2 receptors are expressed by lamina propria plasma cells and activated macrophages, as well as by the myenteric and submucosal plexus ganglia in human ileum 9,12,13.

Diagnosis and Tests

If you have any symptoms of severe dehydration, like dizziness, confusion and a rapid heartbeat, call 911 right away. One study found up to 6% of people who went to the emergency room for cyclical vomiting had CHS. The only treatment that can get rid of CHS symptoms for good is to stop using cannabis completely. But there are some other treatments that may help manage your symptoms and make you feel better. Researchers have only recently discovered CHS, so some doctors or healthcare professionals may not recognize the condition.
